Humans have a complicated history with navigating the advantages and disadvantages of being one sex or the other and it is this history that has led them to the "Wisdom Laws". During the Age of Silence, a period where the gods no longer responded to prayers, cutting off the world from their divine presence, Ovalys responded by a redirection of values known as the Wisdom Laws. These laws, born from the crumbling Empire of Vashyr stated that an irreverence to women led to the Silence. The Wisdom Laws dictated that life comes from women and, therefore, women are to be revered above men.
This new religious edict spread quickly throughout Ovalys as a divine penitence for the absence of 'magic' in the lands, which the people took to mean they had offended the gods. These laws were interpreted differently amongst the various regions of the mainland continent, however. Avoria, for example, embraced it completetly and wrote their laws so that only women could own lands and property, passing all their titles in exclusive enatic succession, daughters to then other kin and only females. In other places, however, such as Old Vashyr, the Wisdom Laws only meant women were to be particularly protected and respected for their status as bringers of life.